Tea Time With God has breaking news! This book has now been published in India, in Telegu and English versions! All proceeds will benefit The Little Angel Home, operated by Savior’s Heartbeat Ministries! To obtain your copy of “Tea Time With God” in India, contact: Savior’s Heartbeat 51-4-12 ESI Hospital road Gunadala Vijayawada 520004 Ph. 7416 111 777
The following is an excerpt from the book “Tea Time With God”: My Mother was filled with excitement in knowing she only had several months before hitting the five-year mark from breast cancer. She was looking forward to saying “I am cancer free forever”. Yet, on a scheduled doctor visit, Mom was feeling ill and was hospitalized. Uncertain of what the diagnosis would be, Mom confided in me that God had previously promised her she would not die…..
If your heart desires to press in and enrich your relationship with God, take time on Labor Day to visit author Debi Ayers and let her introduce you to her book Tea Time With God Her book strives to be intentional and “be still and know that I am God” https://www.facebook.com/events/433618000700702/permalink/456963618366140/
Because this book, Tea Time With God, mentions the presence of God countless times, let’s discuss what that means. Both in the Old and New Testaments, we find many places where God’s presence is symbolized. I won’t take for granted that each of you will take the time to look up scriptures I post, so the first one I will include now to show its importance. Exodus 40:34-35 – The Cloud and the Glory 34 Then the cloud covered the tabernacle…..
For more than twenty years I have been keeping notes as to what God has shown me while studying His Word. Some of those notes were dictated upon learning lessons as I journeyed through life and not wanting to forget all that God has done for me and my family. Through it all, His Presence has remained constant and therefore, my trust in Him has gained momentum. He has not failed me one time! Although there are times in our…..
If you’d like to order a copy of “Tea Time with God”, here are some places to do so! Click this link to order from Amazon. Click this link to order from Barnes and Noble. Click this link to order from Christian Books ON SALE! Locally, “Tea Time with God” can be purchased in Elkins, WV and Inwood, WV: A&A Homes 7768 Winchester Avenue Inwood, WV 25428 S&T’s Bees 119 Third Street Elkins, WV 26241 Designs By Kathy 106 First…..
Welcome. My name is Debi Ayers, author of Tea Time With God. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here. I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about Tea Time With God, expanding on some of the topics in it and posting on some of the ideas related to my book……