Our Root System Mark 4:1-20ESV The Parable of the Sower 1Again He began to teach beside the sea. And a very large crowd gathered about Him, so that He got into a boat and sat in it on the sea, and the whole crowd was beside the sea on the land. 2 And He was teaching them many things in parables, and in His teaching He said to them: 3 “Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. 4 And as he sowed, some seed fell along…..
About These Blogs I realize the blogs I write may not be for everyone for I write to challenge us to become better living beings. Part of my purpose is to encourage all of us to grow in spiritual maturity. I do not write to offend or condemn, but tell of the wonderous love of God and His Truth. Our hope is in Jesus Christ, our Savior, the Son of God. The God of the universe. The only living God. …..
The River of God Could it be that we are seeing the last of the last signs before Jesus appears? Matthew 24:14 says “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” For the last several years, we have seen much of Matthew 24 being fulfilled with wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences. Now we are watching nations starting to collapse,…..
Tea Time With God Get your copy of “Tea Time with God” now on Amazon for $6.03! https://www.amazon.com/Tea-Time-God-Treasures…/…/ref=sr_1_1… Tea Time With God: Treasures of the Heart AMAZON.COM Tea Time With God: Treasures of the Heart
WHAT IF What if the world as we know it is coming to an end? What if this is your last day on this earth? What if the Bible is true? What if there really is a rapture? This generation has never seen such tumultuous times that we are presently living in. The one question laying heavily on my mind recently is: What if the Rapture is a reward and we do not have to partake in the…..
COVID-19 RELEASE The year is 2020 and we have encountered a pandemic referred to COVID-19. My generation has never experienced anything like this before and being in lockdown for two to three months has not been easy for anyone. During this pandemic, people were issued to stay in their homes as much as possible. Essential workers, such as medical personnel, were working overtime caring for those already infected while other essential workers were trying to buffer the onset of…..
“Tea Time with God” is now available in India, English and Telegu. Details found at www.saviorsheartbeat.org. “Tea Time With God” has been published in India! All proceeds in India will benefit The Little Angel Home, operated by Savior’s Heartbeat Ministries! To obtain your copy in India, contact their website at www.saviorsheartbeat.org. To obtain your copy of “Tea Time With God” in the USA, follow this link.
A Father’s Love June is so fitting to discuss the love of a Father, the month set aside to honor all fathers. My earthly father was the epitome of God’s love and I remember him tenderly, leaving us with a legacy of love. Dad was a soft-spoken man with love and integrity that brought sincerity to the highest level. A niece said it best when she said, “Your Dad was so gentle, but underneath he was so strong.” The…..
A Mother’s Love Mother’s Day is such an appropriate time to talk about a mother’s love. I will be taking excerpts from the book, “Tea Time With God” that recounts my mother’s love as she was fighting her second battle with cancer. To obtain your copy, just click on the link provided. THE LAST THANKSGIVING Mom’s favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. This story is to show you how brave and courageous my Mother really was. She was told in…..
PEACE LIKE A RIVER Sitting by a river, captivated by the flow of the water, listening to the pleasurable sound, brings me such joy and peace that I yearn to stay there, relishing the euphoria. Especially today…. The day I sit to write this, the world in which we live is in perilous times. The world is in fear, experiencing a pandemic, named COVID-19. We are living in unprecedented times, a time of uncertainty. Or is it? There are…..