For more than twenty years I have been keeping notes as to what God has shown me while studying His Word. Some of those notes were dictated upon learning lessons as I journeyed through life and not wanting to forget all that God has done for me and my family. Through it all, His Presence has remained constant and therefore, my trust in Him has gained momentum. He has not failed me one time!
Although there are times in our lives we may question “where God is” and wondering “why God why”, knowing His love for us is meant to give us a life full of abundance (John 10:10), we can then trust Him in every storm and allow His perfect timing to bring His answers of our prayers to fruition.
I want to share how God has healed my heart in numerous situations and how He can do the same for every reader. No trial is too big for our Big God! This book, “Tea Time With God”, expresses the ways God blesses us, especially in our time of need. God is daily in our midst, leading us, guiding our steps, consoling our hearts, and protecting us. It doesn’t matter how dire our situation appears in the natural; in the supernatural God is always in the center of it.
My hope in sharing these personal stories is to help each reader identify and know that God, not being a respecter of persons, is always helping each one of us in our time of need. Be encouraged to look for God in the center of your circumstance, and know that He may be in the smallest detail of your day, such as a smile, a hug, or an encouraging word.
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The first lesson I will share will resonate with many of you. Since 1983 my husband and I have had the privilege of owning and operating several small businesses. Particularly upon start-up of these businesses, you could say that the hours put into the birthing of each business was non-stop and constant. I can actually remember when my daily calendar was color-coded specified for business, children, church and my own appointments.
In the beginning, we used our personal home for business and never knew until we moved that business into an office space how it affected our children. That day, they proclaimed “we have our house back” and their words hit me like a ton of bricks. I truly began to realize how much our decisions affect our children and what we put before them sets a precedent of how they view our love for them.
We quickly decided to prioritize our lives to put our children first as much as possible. It only started as one night a week, allowing the children to dictate what we will do, but their eyes glistened that night because they knew they were first on our calendar that day. Joy filled the air as we set out on new adventures or just sat around a board game. We never let them know how hard it was to keep that night open for them, their hearts were at stake and we wanted them to see our love for them.
With this one gesture, God healed the hearts of two little ones!
The lesson? No matter how small your act of love is, your children will always appreciate the effort!
In this day and age, it takes two full-time parents to make ends meet and the single parent is working two and three jobs. That leaves very little time to spend at home, let alone to have quality family time. I just heard this morning that 60% of the households in our nation are without a father figure. Many grandparents are raising their grandchildren.
I have one request no matter what category you find yourself in: when you wake up in the morning and when you lie down at night to sleep: invite the presence of God to envelop you and to promote His peace upon you. His peace does grant us the strength for another step, then another step, then another step. His peace gives us the love we need to make sure we end our day with a shared hug and kiss from one another and our children/grandchildren. Make your family a priority in your home, it is never too late to start!
Now, it is your turn to share: How has God touched your heart? What lesson have you learned through His Holy Spirit? Share in the comments below.
Debi Ayers has been married to her husband, Jerry, for forty-five years and together they have two children and one granddaughter. Debi and Jerry have owned and operated several businesses together since 1983. In 1999, Debi and Jerry established Savior’s Heartbeat Ministries USA, a nonprofit organization in partnership with Dr. Devasahayam Dandala of Savior’s Heartbeat Ministries INDIA. Through this organization, contributors support a multitude of needs, including an orphanage. Locally, Debi and Jerry enjoy leading a weekly discipleship class at their local church, which empowers each member to better themselves in their Christian faith.
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