There have been many mentions of our living in the last of the last days. The similarity of the last days is compared to Noah’s days in Matthew 24:37 and Luke 17:26. So, I decided to study again for myself to see if there is any relevance in our society, equivalent to Noah’s. My heart leaped as I heard the Holy Spirit say, “The Hope of Prophecy”. I could not wait to continue!
I am not led to note the perversities and injustices we see in our midst today, you need only to view the news to succumb to any of that. We are to look for “The Hope of Prophecy” and that is what we will do.
The story of Noah is found in Genesis 6–11. One Bible translation captions the events by saying “The Earth was no longer what God had intended. It is frightening to see how quickly all of humanity forgot about God. Incredibly, in all the world, only one man and his family still worshiped God.” That man was Noah.
Genesis 1:3 – And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
This notes that God shortened man’s lifespan.
Genesis 6:5-8 – 5 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
For approximately 100 years, Noah preached to those living on the earth, he lived as an example before them. Yet, the people were blinded to the ways of God and only ridiculed Noah and his family for building such a big boat. Unbelief filled their hearts.
None of it deterred Noah, for he had a word, a prophecy, from God and had been given specific direction in 6:13-21. Knowing the voice of God kept his faith from wavering.
Genesis 7:1-4 – 1Finally the day came when the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous. 2 Bring in the animals, too—a pair of each, except those kinds I have chosen for eating and for sacrifice: take seven pairs of each of them, 3 and seven pairs of every kind of bird. Thus there will be every kind of life reproducing again after the flood has ended. 4 One week from today I will begin forty days and nights of rain; and all the animals and birds and reptiles I have made will die.”
One week later, just as God said, the mighty torrents of rain began; for forty days and nights, as God predicted. Then the Lord God closed the door and shut them in. (Genesis 7:10-16)
Noah and his family were given the very day that God expected them to enter the ark for their safety. The word from the Lord was evident for all to see. I am sure that in that last week, Noah’s heart was burdened for the lost. I know he was thankful that God was saving his family, but his heart was broken for the deceived ones left behind.
My mind races with the question “What would we do if we knew there was one week left?” The love of God pierces our hearts for the lost. I thank God He gave His Son for us to live and gives us second chances. When we are thankful for His redemption on our behalf, we cry mercy for those yet to receive His love.
An urgency to reach the lost is intensified when I remember watching the scene in the movie “Noah” where numerous people were pounding on the door of the ark screaming, “Let me in, let me in.” The movie showed the parents of one of Noah’s daughter-in-law who would not heed the warnings. They were left at the door banging for their lives.
While building the ark and before the door of the ark shut, people were shouting to Noah that he was intolerant and judgmental. However, when the door shut you know the thoughts were not on the ridicule at that moment. Noah and his family’s hearts were burdened.
Have we not seen the same reactions to speaking the truth of God’s Word today? Are we not judged and ridiculed for standing on the Word of God? Many are deceived from knowing the TRUTH of God’s Holy Word.
Note that it was not Noah who shut the door, God did. Noah and his family were left with a feeling of helplessness and despair. But they had preached for nearly 100 years what God planned, trying to ensure that all people had an invitation to join them.
The rain pounded, the flood waters raged, and the door shut. The words of Noah’s prophecy were seen. It was too late for the people to change their minds. God had said “Enough”.
My mind rushes to the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11). How many will be begging for their lives before God?
My mind screams “NOW! Now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Our choice is made this day!
May we take a lesson from Noah and tell of God’s Good News, give our testimonies, while there is yet time, pray for the deceived ones. Pray that we too will not be deceived, stay humble in His Presence. The Word of God warn us in Matthew 24:24 – For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Now let us look at the promise:
Genesis 9:9-17 – 9-11 “I solemnly promise you and your children and the animals you brought with you—all these birds and cattle and wild animals—that I will never again send another flood to destroy the earth. 12 And I seal this promise with this sign: 13 I have placed my rainbow in the clouds as a sign of my promise until the end of time, to you and to all the earth. 14 When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will be seen in the clouds, 15 and I will remember my promise to you and to every being, that never again will the floods come and destroy all life. 16-17 For I will see the rainbow in the cloud and remember my eternal promise to every living being on the earth.”
This promise was given to mankind and will be forevermore!
The Hope of Prophecy
Has God given you a word of prophecy that you have not seen come to fruition yet? Have Hope! If you are a hundred percent sure that God has spoken it, then let your faith rise! Have hope in your prophecy, the Word the Lord has given you!
Always remember this, when God said “Enough!” and shut the door on the ark, the prophecy given to Noah was fulfilled. Hang on to God’s Words, for when He says “Enough” on your behalf, His prophecy over your life will be fulfilled. He alone knows the perfect timing. He alone knows when our character is completed through the endurance of test and trials.
Isaiah 55:11 – So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
I believe with all you see happening in our nation today that God will again say “Enough” and His Glory will manifest in magnificent ways. There will be salvations, deliverances, healings of all kinds, solutions to all your trials. Trust Him! His promises are Yes and Amen!
Additional Study:
References to the last days are found in: Matthew 24, Luke 21, 2 Timothy 3, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, 2 Thessalonians 2
Isaiah 54 is a “Covenant of Peace” – Verses 9-10; Verses 13-15; Verse 17
Debi Ayers has been married to her husband, Jerry, for forty-five years and together they have two children and one granddaughter. Debi and Jerry have owned and operated several businesses together since 1983. In 1999, Debi and Jerry established Savior’s Heartbeat Ministries USA, a nonprofit organization in partnership with Dr. Devasahayam Dandala of Savior’s Heartbeat Ministries INDIA. Through this organization, contributors support a multitude of needs, including an orphanage. Locally, Debi and Jerry enjoy leading a weekly discipleship class at their local church, which empowers each member to better themselves in their Christian faith.